audioengine 2+ Wireless

  这款高完成度的无线音乐系统可以与你的各种应用、音乐和设备协同工作。无论你想以什么方式聆听,A2+ Wireless 都能满足你的需求。网易云音乐、QQ 音乐、Apple Music、Spotify……所有你喜爱的流媒体应用程序即刻播放。


  - 针对桌面与小空间的特殊声学设计
  - 保留了多种模拟输入接口
  - USB 音频流数字输入接口
  - 高品质蓝牙体验,兼容各种设备
  - 无需网络连接设置,无需密码,无需抓狂
  - 无需按键切换,所有接口随时响应
  - 分体式扬声器,享受真正的立体声


  A2+ Wireless 是一款易于使用的桌面式音箱,轻松连接至计算机、平板电脑、手机或唱机转盘。没有任何网络连接的需求,没有任何配对密码需要输入,也无需按下各种按钮。连接它们简单方便得你在数秒内就能摇摆起来享受音乐。它能让你聆听音乐更有乐趣、更加纯粹,并且音质更棒。


  不要被它们的尺寸所迷惑——这些小音箱能够发出超乎想象的“大”声音。清晰、饱满而富有力量的声音,足以填充你的桌面和小房间。A2+ Wireless 搭载了各种 audioengine 定制部件:芳纶纤维低音单元、丝膜高音单元、高保真的蓝牙 aptX、内置功率放大器、精致调谐的手工打造木质箱体。这足以让它在几乎各种空间中保持出色表现。


  所有人都知道定制的少数精品和大批量生产的快消品之间的区别。A2+ Wireless 的设计和手工制造的目标是超越价值和表现的预期。A2+ Wireless 的低音来自于一些巧妙的声学和电子设计,而不是使用数字信号处理。可以保证,A2+ Wireless 上的低音对于其尺寸来说是越级的大,这甚至太轻描淡写了,还是你亲自评判吧。这些小家伙真的很有能量,使它们成为桌面和小房间音频系统的上好之选。


  audioengine 团队对高、低音单元和一些重要部件上都坚持自己设计、生产。换句话说,audioengine 的音箱部件绝不是别人批量生产,然后我们现成采购的,我们是根据自己的需求严格定制的。变压器、磁铁和线材等,虽然不是在我们工厂里生产,但都是我们自己设计的。每一台机器上,箱体、扬声器单元、低音单元接口设计、功率放大器和转换线路都是工程师精心细致地调试、安装的。但这也让我们的系统更为高效,比无源音箱加独立功率放大器或是类似的音响系统节能得多。


  录音室监听音箱通常是录音师或音乐制作人在录音棚和制作间使用,在理论上,这种音箱被设计成还原度非常好,频响曲线十分平滑。这使得录音师和制作人在混音时原样复制出来的音乐能在各种不同的喇叭都有很好的表现。尽管 A2+ Wireless 并非被设计成近场式监听音箱,但是我们使用了相同的高端技术,高品质部件,以及相同的设计理念。 


  audioengine 的磁流体冷却高音单元采用钕磁铁,绝对能满足音乐发烧友对扬声器的质量要求。丝膜高音单元在高功率和先进的设计下表现出色。芳纶纤维低音单元采用无纺布的玻璃芳纶复合材料,并用橡胶封边。芳纶纤维显然表现优异,当扬声器单元在高功率运转时,低音方面仍能保真。扬声器的材料和结构稳固,足以抵挡有些较大的震动,因此 audioengine 没有采用影响音质的扬声器网设计,优质的材料使 audioengine 的产品在多年后音效和外形都仍能保持良好。




  audioengine 的功率放大器被置于左扬声器中,使用了传统的全模拟设计。所有的元件都是量身调配的,这让系统表现更加出色,比无源扬声器加独立的功率放大器更为节能。立式安装的电源和前置放大器的电路板能够最大程度的做到机械防震。 



类型:2.0 有源桌面式音箱
功放类型:AB 类功放
输出功率:30W (每通道 15W 额定功率)
喇叭单元:2.75 英寸芳纶纤维低音,20mm 丝膜球顶高音
输入接口:3.5mm 立体声、RCA、USB、蓝牙
输出接口:RCA 可调节线性输出
工作电压:100-240V,50/60Hz 自动切换
信噪比:>95dB (A 计权)
失真度:<0.05% (全功率)
频响范围:65Hz-22kHz +/-2.0dB
灵敏度:88dB SPL (1W@1m)
输入阻抗:10K ohm (非平衡输入)
USB接口:Micro USB
兼容版本:1.1 及以上
蓝牙版本:蓝牙 5.1
蓝牙规格:aptX low latency, aptX, AAC, SBC
无线距离:30 米
无线延迟:30 毫秒
尺寸:15x10x13.5cm 每只

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 CNET 授予 300 美金内最佳音质电脑音箱奖项

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 CNET 授予 300 美金内最佳音质电脑音箱奖项

“售价 269 美元,它以紧凑、极简的设计提供了出色的声音。对于买不起更大的 audioengine 5+ 的人来说,这是一个很好的选择,A5+ 听起来确实明显更好,但占用更多空间。” ——CNET 原文链接:

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “最佳游戏音箱” 奖项

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “最佳游戏音箱” 奖项

“A2+ 是经典书架式扬声器的简约设计版本,几乎适合所有人,包括严肃的沙发聆听和桌面游戏玩家。A2+ 音箱音质出色,低音、中音和高音均清晰。通过 USB 连接可启用扬声器的内置 DAC (声卡),使声音保真度进一步高于竞争对手。 A2+ 没有低音炮,这意味着低音略有不足,但大多数无低音炮的扬声器系统都是如此。”——Popular Mechanics 原文链接:…

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Science 授予 “最佳电脑音箱” 奖项

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Science 授予 “最佳电脑音箱” 奖项

“温暖而干净的声音;对于小型扬声器来说,声音非常响亮;高品质的组件和设计。” ——Popular Science 原文链接:

美国奈飞公司 Netflix 选用 audioengine 2+ Wireless 在《路西法》美剧剧集场景中展示

美国奈飞公司 Netflix 选用 audioengine 2+ Wireless 在《路西法》美剧剧集场景中展示

Netflix(无官方译名,通常称作网飞或奈飞)是起源于美国、在世界各地 190 多个国家和地区提供网络视频点播的 OTT 服务公司。Netflix 的流服务已经在全球拥有 2.2 亿个订阅用户,在美国的订户已达到 7330 万。

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “2020 年最佳电脑音箱” 奖项

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “2020 年最佳电脑音箱” 奖项

“太多人忍受着笔记本电脑扬声器的噪音和低质量的耳机,但 audioengine 的扬声器与笔记本电脑外壳内的任何扬声器相比都是一个巨大的飞跃。除了温暖、强大的声音和简单的设置外,这款扬声器的真正优势在于你可以用多种方式连接它们,包括蓝牙、3.5 毫米音频插孔和双音频输入。”——Popular Mechanics 原文链接:

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “最佳居家办公音箱” 奖项

audioengine 2+ Wireless 被 Popular Mechanics 授予 “最佳居家办公音箱” 奖项

“太多人忍受着笔记本电脑扬声器的噪音和低质量的耳机,但 audioengine 的扬声器与笔记本电脑外壳内的任何扬声器相比都是一个巨大的飞跃。除了温暖、强大的声音和简单的设置外,这款扬声器的真正优势在于你可以用多种方式连接它们,包括蓝牙、3.5 毫米音频插孔和双音频输入。”——Popular Mechanics 原文链接:

Audioengine HD3、A2+ 被 PCMag 选入2017年最佳电脑音箱奖项

“A good set of speakers can help turn your PC into the ultimate home entertainment rig. Here’s what to look for, along with the best ones we’ve tested. The handsome, versatile Audioengine HD3 stereo speakers deliver excellent Blueto…

Audioengine A2+、A5+ 被 Stereophile 选入2017年度推荐音箱奖项

“Compared to the PSB Alpha B1, the Audioengine lacked some high-frequency detail and delicacy, but offered outstanding bass control, transparency, and drama, said SM. JA compared the new speaker with its predecessor, confirmed that they sounded “iden…

Audioengine A2+ 被 Gear Patrol 选入给技术人的最佳礼品之选榜单

“In this size category, these are some of the best sounding compact desktop speakers you’ll find. They’re the little brother to Audioengine’s famed A5+ powered speaekrs, and can be dumbed down to plug directly into your laptop or elevated by adding a…

Audioengine A2+ 被 The Absolute Sound 选入2017年桌面音箱推荐购买榜单

“Easily one of the best deals in high-end audio, the Audioengine A2+ powered desktop speakers are simply incredible. How is it possible to get such low-end extension, wide soundstaging, pinpoint imaging, and smooth sonics from tiny desktop speakers t…

Audioengine A2+、A5+ 被 Stereophile 选入2016年度推荐音箱奖项

“Compared to the PSB Alpha B1, the Audioengine lacked some high-frequency detail and delicacy, but offered outstanding bass control, transparency, and drama, said SM. JA compared the new speaker with its predecessor, confirmed that they sounded &#822…

Audioengine A2+ 被 Gear Patrol 选入编辑最爱产品奖项

“I think I’ve owned something like three pairs of the A2 and subsequent A2+ speakers from Audioengine because they just can’t be beat when it comes to desktop speakers.” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2+、A5+ 被 SoundGuys 选入最佳电脑音箱奖项

“No surprises here. The A2+ Audioengine speakers are some of the most commonly used speakers around. Not only because of their easy setup and great sound, but also because of their minimal design that matches any desk aesthetic perfectly. We’re going…

Audioengine A2+ 被 Stereophile 选入2015年度高性价比产品奖项

“Our list of finalists for Budget Product of the Year contains a little of everything—an amp, a cartridge, a computer-audio accessory, a portable music player, two turntables, and some speakers.” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2+、A5+ 被 Stereophile 选入2015年度推荐音箱奖项

“Compared to the PSB Alpha B1, the Audioengine lacked some high-frequency detail and delicacy, but offered outstanding bass control, transparency, and drama, said SM.” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2+ 被 The Absolute Sound 选入高端音频领域的40个最佳产品奖项

Audioengine A2+ 被 The Absolute Sound 选入高端音频领域的40个最佳产品奖项


Audioengine A2+ 被 Sound And Vision 授予最佳之选奖项

“Normally I wouldn’t want King Crimson’s monster math metal playing less than 2 feet from my face. But the live material fromThe Road to Red, ripped from CD in Apple Lossless, became easy listening (in sound if not in genre). Even the psycho violin s…

澳大利亚著名音乐人 Plini 选用 audioengine 2 为监听音箱混音编曲

澳大利亚著名音乐人 Plini 选用 audioengine 2 为监听音箱混音编曲


Audioengine A2+ 被 PCMag 评为卓越等级产品

“Not much has changed in terms of the A2+’s sound signature versus the original speakers. It sounds much like the A2, which means a marked focus on the mids and highs. The speakers deliver plenty of low and low-mid information, and they c…

Audioengine A2+ 被 Custom PC Review 授予优秀产品金奖

“However, once I hooked up the A2+’s, I was pleasantly surprised. Carrying the exact same 3/4″ tweeter found on the Audioengine A5+, the A2+ exhibited warm mids along with crisp and clear highs, very similar to what you’ll get with the A5+’s. I…

Audioengine A2、A5+ 被 Stereophile 选入2013年度推荐音箱奖项

“Compared to the PSB Alpha B1, the Audioengine lacked some high-frequency detail and delicacy, but offered outstanding bass control, transparency, and drama, said SM. At reasonable volume levels, both indoors and out, the Audioengines provided a wide…

Audioengine A2+ 被 WIRED 选入每个音乐发烧友都会喜爱的16个礼物榜单

“There are many different speakers you can buy with a DAC inside them, but these Audioengine A2+ speakers are really some of the best. They sound absolutely fantastic, especially for a pair this small.” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2+ 被 The Verge 选入2013年假日礼物推荐榜单

“The Audioengine 2 has long been one of our favorite compact speaker systems, and the brand-new A2+ improves on the original. The self-powered speakers include a built-in digital-to-analog converter for passing audio through your USB port. The speake…

Audioengine A2+ 被 The Verge 选入2013年返校装备推荐榜单

“You can make your own fun, you just need the right gear. So we’ve pulled together a state-of-the-art arsenal of gadgets, tools, and toys that will make the next nine months a breeze.” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2、A5+ 被 Stereophile 选入2012年度推荐音箱奖项

“Compared to the PSB Alpha B1, the Audioengine lacked some high-frequency detail and delicacy, but offered outstanding bass control, transparency, and drama, said SM. At reasonable volume levels, both indoors and out, the Audioengines provided a wide…

Audioengine A2、P4 被 CNET 选入40至400美金内发烧友口碑十佳音箱奖项

“A2 的设计非常棒。我评测过 500 多个音箱,A2 是少数几款我会一直使用的音箱之一。音调平衡轻松而饱满,因此即使是一些最糟糕的网络电台听起来也非常悦耳。A2 是一款音质优美的小型音箱,但 P4 更清晰、更干净、更有活力。P4 完胜 A2 —— 根本无法与之相比。” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2 被 AudioReview 授予500美元内最佳电脑音箱奖项

Audioengine A2 被 AudioReview 授予500美元内最佳电脑音箱奖项

“Mid-range vocals and soft silky highs are what these are all about. I’ve just finished demo’ing them at the 2011 California Audio Show and I was blow away by the clarity and presents of the vocal mid-range.  Pair with a sub for better bass performa…

Audioengine A2 被 Apartment Therapy 授予最佳产品奖项

“After making several appearances here on Unplggd and trying it out ourselves at our local hi-fi shop to confirm the reviews, the champion from back in 2008 comes back again to take its crown as the best bang for your buck money can buy.”…

Audioengine A2 被 What Hi-Fi? 授予有限预算内最佳桌面音箱奖项

Audioengine A2 被 What Hi-Fi? 授予有限预算内最佳桌面音箱奖项

“The little speakers get stuck right in, pounding through the tune with determination and summoning quite startling low-end attack. This terrier-like enthusiasm isn’t at the expense of detail, which is plentiful, or articulacy – the Audioengines cert…

Audioengine A2 被 What Hi-Fi? 选入2008年编辑最爱家庭影音产品奖项

“Well worth a shout – I’ve got them at home for one. They sound rather spiffing for just £100, and what with everyone using their PCs for music now…” —— 原文链接

Audioengine A2 被 Stuff 评为5星级推荐产品

Audioengine A2 被 Stuff 评为5星级推荐产品

“The only drawback is that there’s no USB connection, so you can’t charge your iPod. But you’ll forget this minor inconvenience when you lay ears on them. For speakers in this class, the A2s sound exceptional. Warm, punchy, articulate and well …

Audioengine A2 被 What Hi-Fi? 评为4星级推荐产品

“The little speakers get stuck right in, pounding through the tune with determination and summoning quite startling low-end attack. This terrier-like enthusiasm isn’t at the expense of detail, which is plentiful, or articulacy – the Audio…

Audioengine A2 被 PCMag 评为卓越等级产品

“Overall, however, the bass is rich without overshadowing the mid and high frequency ranges, and the speakers can reach high volumes with little or no distortion. Sure, the price is a bit steep for PC speakers with no real extra features, but the aud…